A Pastor of Biblical of Glorious wave Church, by the name Pastor Nana Appiah was caught about to sleep with a girl who was reportedly still young, when her big sister came in and tried to stop it from happening. He struck the sister on the face which led her to raise alarm and soon, boys around the area intervened. Apparently, he had tried sleeping with her a while back in Kumasi but to no avail, so he followed up in Accra. Source: Tundednut
Golf is having a hard time naming those clubs that used to be made of wood–they’re called fairway-metals, fairway metal-woods, just plain woods, or, the most ridiculous, “iron-wood.” So Guru, make history, coin a name to take the sport by storm. Russ Barker, Fort Erie, Ontario How many golfers have irons made of iron? How many tins are made of tin? How many nickels are made of nickel? It doesn’t matter what the club is made of–wood, steel, graphite, titanium, xenon, ytterbium or zirconium. Woods are woods, irons are irons. I read that it is legal to use the logo on a ball for alignment when putting. I draw a line around the entire ball for lineup as well as ball identification. Is this legal? Chuck Thomas, Moreno Valley, Calif. Assuming you don’t alter the ball’s size or weight, there is no restriction on what you draw on it. Dots, lines and scribbles are fine, as are images of ex-wives, fanatical politicians or Barney the Dinosaur. Channeled anger can add 20 yards to your tee shots. W...